Elementary & Adolescent Education

Early Education at Little River Montessori School

Philosophy & Structure


Many people are familiar with Montessori at the preschool level, but more and more people are now discovering the benefits of Montessori for the elementary years. If you are new to Montessori elementary education, you might be wondering if Montessori is really that different from traditional elementary programs. Below are a few differences between traditional and Montessori for the elementary years.

Peer to Peer Learning

What is a typical morning like in a Montessori Elementary classroom?


Active Learning

In traditional elementary classrooms, the teacher teaches and the child listens. The child is required to memorize and recall information for testing. The child is passive in their learning. In Montessori classrooms, the child learns through hands-on projects and self-motivated, active discovery.

An Individual Approach

In traditional elementary schools, students at every grade level have the same program, i.e. 3rd graders take the pre-established 3rd-grade program.

In Montessori elementary, grade levels are flexibly defined within a developmental age range (usually of 2-3 years.) Each child will work with their teacher in a unique progression through the curriculum. Groups of developmentally similar children work on the right projects or lessons for them. This approach recognizes the individual needs of each child, not just their chronological age.

Flexible Curriculum

In traditional elementary schools, teachers are required to teach an established curriculum at an established pace. By contrast, Montessori education teaches individuals in small groups based on observable needs. The curriculum does not dictate the pace of learning. Rather the child learns what and when they are ready. The child may work on a lesson as long as needed. The teacher is present to act as a guide or coach.


In the Montessori classroom, the child works to satisfy their own curiosity and inner needs for accomplishment. The child’s natural learning pace is honored, allowing the child to be successful at every lesson. The child gains genuine inner confidence through their own achievements.


In traditional schools, the teacher is the one accountable for covering the curriculum. If the children fall behind or are ready to move forward faster, there isn’t much the teacher can do about it. The teacher is responsible for covering a certain amount of information within a specified period of time. In a Montessori school, the child is accountable for their own learning. Children are taught how to track their own progress every day. The child participates in creating their own learning path, and children are involved in choosing their own individual and group projects beginning in first grade. This structure helps the child build self-motivation and accountability from a very young age.

Philosophy & Structure

Many people are familiar with Montessori at the preschool level, but more and more people are now discovering the benefits of Montessori for the elementary years. If you are new to Montessori elementary education, you might be wondering if Montessori is really that different from traditional elementary programs. Below are a few differences between traditional and Montessori for the elementary years.

Little River Montessori School has opened a new West Campus for our Elementary and Adolescent Communities called the Forest Campus.

Peer to Peer Learning

What is a typical morning like in a Montessori Toddler classroom?


Active Learning

In traditional elementary classrooms, the teacher teaches and the child listens. The child is required to memorize and recall information for testing. The child is passive in their learning. In Montessori classrooms, the child learns through hands-on projects and self-motivated, active discovery.

An Individual Approach

In traditional elementary schools, students at every grade level have the same program, i.e. 3rd graders take the pre-established 3rd-grade program.

In Montessori elementary, grade levels are flexibly defined within a developmental age range (usually of 2-3 years.) Each child will work with their teacher in a unique progression through the curriculum. Groups of developmentally similar children work on the right projects or lessons for them. This approach recognizes the individual needs of each child, not just their chronological age.

Flexible Curriculum

In traditional elementary schools, teachers are required to teach an established curriculum at an established pace. By contrast, Montessori education teaches individuals in small groups based on observable needs. The curriculum does not dictate the pace of learning. Rather the child learns what and when they are ready. The child may work on a lesson as long as needed. The teacher is present to act as a guide or coach.


In the Montessori classroom, the child works to satisfy their own curiosity and inner needs for accomplishment. The child’s natural learning pace is honored, allowing the child to be successful at every lesson. The child gains genuine inner confidence through their own achievements.


In traditional schools, the teacher is the one accountable for covering the curriculum. If the children fall behind or are ready to move forward faster, there isn’t much the teacher can do about it. The teacher is responsible for covering a certain amount of information within a specified period of time. In a Montessori school, the child is accountable for their own learning. Children are taught how to track their own progress every day. The child participates in creating their own learning path, and children are involved in choosing their own individual and group projects beginning in first grade. This structure helps the child build self-motivation and accountability from a very young age.

Why Montessori?

Specifically in the elementary years of learning, this method of learning is so different compared to other conventional forms of education today. Our teachers do not stand in front of the class and teach each child the same lesson all at once. Each child is allowed to learn at their own rhythm in a way that allows them to feel as though they are not learning or being taught. They are allowed to be involved with decision making with their fellow student regarding class projects, and gain social skills along side their academic skills. Elementary children gain a sense of independence, curiosity, and esteem that is only accomplished through Dr. Montessori’s methodology with Little River.